GMAT 07套-Q32 考题|阅读|RC|博森|王可达
来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2015-06-05 | 6112 次浏览 | 分享到:

3At the other end, "harvest" strategies are used when a firm is willing to sacrifice market share for short-term profitability and cash-flow maximization. 4Research and theory suggest that top management decision-sharing may have a more positive relationship with adherence to plans among firms with harvest strategies than among firms with build strategies. 5In a study of strategic practices in several large firms, managers in harvest strategy scenarios were more able to adhere to their business plans. 6As one of the managers in the study explained it, this is partly because "typically all a manager has to do when implementing a harvest strategy is that which was done last year." 7Additionally, managers under harvest strategies mayhave fewer strategic options than do those under build strategies; it may therefore be easier to reach agreement on a particular course of action through decision-sharing, which will in turn tend to promote adherence to plans. 8Conversely, in a "build" strategy scenario, individual leadership, rather than decision-sharing, may promote adherence to plans.
