GMAT 07套-Q31 考题|阅读|RC|博森|王可达
来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2015-06-04 | 5405 次浏览 | 分享到:
GMAT 07– Q31-34 

1Why firms adhere to or deviate from their strategic plans is poorly understood. 2However, theory andlimited research suggest that the process through which such plans emerge may play a part. 3In particular, top management decision-sharing- consensus-oriented, team-based decision-making - may increase the likelihood that firms will adhere to their plans, because those involved in the decision-making may be more committed to the chosen course of action, thereby increasing the likelihood that organizations will subsequently adhere to their plans.

1 However, the relationship between top management decision-sharing and adherence to plans may be affected by a firm's strategic mission (its fundamental approach to increasing sales revenue and market share, and generating cash flow and short-term profits). 2At one end of the strategic mission continuum, "build" strategies are pursued when a firm desires to increase its market share and is willing to sacrifice short-term profits to do so.
