来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2016-05-19 | 78958 次浏览 | 分享到:

B. adapting itself earlier

C.itself being adapted earlier

D. having been earlier adapted itself

E. earlier itself having been adapted


28. With corn, soybean,and wheat reserves being low enough so a poor harvest would send prices skyrocketing, grain futures brokers and their clients are especially interested in weather that could affect corps.


A.being low enough

B. so low such that

C. so low that

D. that are low enough so

E. that are so low such that



31. The remarkable similarity of Thule artifacts throughout a vast region can,in part,be explained as a very rapid movement of people from one end of North America to the other.


A. The remarkable similarity of Thule artifacts throughout a vast region can,in part,be explained as

B. Thule artifacts being remarkable similar throughout a vast region, one explanation is

C. That Thule artifacts are remarkable similar throughout a vast region,in part, explainable as
