GMAT 07套 -Q29 考题|句改|语法|SC|博森|王可达
来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2015-06-04 | 2768 次浏览 | 分享到:
Most of Portugal's 250,000 university students boycotted classes in a one-day strike to protest a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year.

A) year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year

B) year toward the cost of higher education, for which was previously paid $7 per year

C) year, compared to the previously $7 per year, toward the cost of higher education

D) year toward the cost of higher education, instead of the $7 per year required previously

E) year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher education 
