经济学人—电子游戏 恋上手机
来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2017-02-08 | 11888 次浏览 | 分享到:

Mobile games have been by far the fastest-growing part of the market in recent years, and have broader international appeal because of the penetration of smartphones.

By Activision's reckoning, worldwide revenues from mobile games will almost catch up with those from PC and console games by 2019, reaching $55 billion (up from an estimated $36 billion this year) .

PC and console games' sales are projected to reach $57 billion by then.

With “Candy Crush Saga” in its arsenal, Activision will have one of the most successful mobile games yet seen, access to an active monthly user base of nearly half a billion people and dozens of new foreign markets where smartphones, not consoles, are the game platforms of choice.
动视(Activision)将通过《糖果传奇》(Candy Crush Saga),这个目前看来最成功的手机游戏,拥有接近5亿的月活跃用户以及大量来自国外新兴市场,选择智能手机作为游戏平台而不是主机的玩家。

Those users might enjoy mobile versions of some of Activision's hits, like the “Guitar Hero” series.
