来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2016-08-30 | 5198 次浏览 | 分享到:

In the country of Marut, the Foreign Trade agency's records were reviewed in 1994 in light of informtion then newly available about neighbouring Goro. The review revealed that in every year since 1963, the agency's projection of what Goro's gross national product (GNP) would be five years later was a serious underestimate. The review also revealed that in every year since 1963, the agency estimated Goro's GNP for the previous year -a Goro state secret- very accurately.

Of the following claims, which is most strongly supported by the statements given ?

A) Goro's GNP fluctuated greatly between 1963 and 1994.


B) Prior to 1995, Goro had not released data intended to mislead the agency in making its five-year projections.


C) The amount by which the agency underestimated the GNP it projected for Goro tended to increase over time.


D) The amount by which the agency underestimated the GNP it projected for Goro tended to increase over time.


EThe agency's five year projections of Goro's GNP had no impact on economic planning in Marut.
