来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2016-08-30 | 1764 次浏览 | 分享到:

The tourism commission has conducted surveys of hotels in the most popular resorts, with the ultimate goal of reducing the guests who end up expressing overall dissatisfaction with the service in the hotels.


A) with the ultimate goal of reducing the guests who end up expressing overall dissatisfaction with the service in the hotels


B) with the goal to ultimately reduce the number of guests who end up expressing overall dissatisfaction with the hotels’ service


C) ultimately with the goal to reduce expressions of overall dissatisfaction by the guests with the hotel service


D) in an ultimate attempt to reduce the number of guests that ends up expressing overall dissatisfaction with the hotels’ service


Ewith the ultimate goal of reducing the number of guests who express overall dissatisfaction with the hotels’ service

