来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2016-05-19 | 78970 次浏览 | 分享到:

accounted for a remarkable large share of total vehicle sales.


A. but sales the past November, even when compared with sales in previous November,

B. be even when it is compared with previous Novembers, this past November’s sales

Cur even when there are compared with previous Novembers, sales of light trucks this past November,

D. so that compared with previous Novembers, sales of light trucks this past November

E. so that this past November’s sales, even compared with previous November’s sales,



120. The largest of all planets, not only is Jupiter three times so massive as Saturn, the next largest planet, but also possesses four of the largest satellites, or moons, in our solar system.

A. not only is Jupiter three times so massive as Saturn, the next largest

B. not only is Jupiter three times as massive as Saturn, the next largest

C. Jupiter, not only is three times as  massive as Saturn, the next largest
