GMAT 07套-Q12 考题|阅读|RC|博森|王可达
来源: | 作者:passion | 发布时间: 2015-06-03 | 5900 次浏览 | 分享到:

GMAT 07– Q11-13 

1Findings from several studies on corporate mergers and acquisitions during the 1970's and 1980's raise questions about why firms initiate and consummate such transactions. 2One study showed, for example, that acquiring firms were on average unable to maintain acquired firms' pre-merger levels of profitability. 3A second study concluded that post-acquisition gains to most acquiring firms were not adequate to cover the premiums paid to obtain acquired firms. 4A third demonstrated that, following the announcement of a prospective merger, the stock of the prospective acquiring firm tends to increase in value much less than does that of the firm for which it bids. 5Yet mergers and acquisitions remain common, and bidders continue to assert that their objectives are economic ones. 6Acquisitions may well have the desirable effect of channeling a nation's resources efficiently from less to more efficient sectors of its economy, but the individual acquisitions executives arranging these deals must see them as advancing either their own or their companies' private economic interests.
